Yellowing Banana Plant Leaves

The large leaves on most forms of banana plants are a deep emerald green when healthy, but ecological conditions and diseases might turn leaves yellow. Although problems brought on by dirt and weather are often easily remedied, infections are much more difficult to deal with. With appropriate maintenance, banana leaves may remain healthy, and banana plants may thrive up to 25 years in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 8 through 11.

Growing Requirements

Banana plants can tolerate many different soil types, such as poor soils, however soils that have too much saline or too little potassium may cause yellowed leaf margins or orange-yellow-colored leaves. Both flooding and drought can also create yellowing leaves, as can prolonged periods of temperatures below 57 degrees Fahrenheit. Soil alterations like gypsum or farmyard manure, also known as FYM, can help treat saline and potassium problems. At flood-prone areas, plant bananas on a raised bed at least 3 feet higher than the surface to limit possible damage.

Cordana Leaf Spot

Cordana leaf spot (Cordana musae) is quite common on banana plants in humid conditions or at wounded and weakened tissue. Symptoms on leaves incorporate large, oval lesions that are brown in the center, with yellow halos round the borders. Even though the disease could be controlled with fungicides, it rarely causes severe damage to plants.

Panama Disease

Also known as banana wilt, Panama disease is caused by a fungus in the Fusarium oxysporum familymembers. The first visible signs of Panama disease are a yellowing or splitting on the oldest leaves, followed by leaf wilt and ripped. Since plants found in soils having a low pH makes may be more vulnerable to Panama disease, correcting dirt to make it less acidic and more alkaline may help prevent the problem. Chemical treatment of affected plants is often ineffective, although methyl bromide, carbendazim, potassium phosphonate and heat-treating soil might help.

Bunchy Top

Bunchy top, or BBTV, is a viral disease transmitted by aphid insects and also is among the most lethal diseases of the banana plant. New leaves on infected plants are wavy, narrower than standard and have yellow margins. There is no cure for the illness when it takes hold, conserve removing and destroying infected banana plants and killing bugs using insecticidal soaps to prevent aphids from infecting plants. Eliminate the entire infected banana plant, such as digging the primary corm and roots, and dispose of this plant through burning, or allow it to rot in a black plastic bag.

Yellow Sigatoka

Yellow sigatoka, caused by the fungus Mycosphaerella musicola, is often present when warm temperatures, higher humidity and regular rainfall are found. Symptoms start as little yellowish-green spots that develop to yellow streaks which might have brown or rusty red centres. Even though the disease doesn’t kill the plant, it also may affect the size and quality of fruit. Treatment involves an proper fungicide and removal of diseased leaves.

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