Watching deer roam on your yard can cause you to feel as if you are living in a natural paradise. Because deer are skittish creatures that require a specific environment, they are sometimes tricky to attract. Supply deer with essentials such as food, water, and some form of cover to support these elegant-looking animals to visit your yard. Although deer do not naturally spend a lot of time in back yards, you can encourage them to visit.
Encourage present shrubs, grass and undergrowth to develop untended in a specific area of your yard, local ordinances permitting. Choices in tall shrubs include autumn olive (Elaeagnus umbellata), wax myrtle (Myrica cerifera) and elderberry (Sambucus canadensis). Low shrubs may incorporate blackberry (Rubus fruticosus), bayberry (Myrica pensylvanica) and spicebush (Lindera benzoin). Deer can make use of these shrubs to escape from inclement weather, avoid predators and curl securely. They enjoy spending afternoons in a “secure shrubby area,” in accordance with this Alabama A&M; along with Auburn University’s combined book, “Attracting Wildlife to Your Yard .”
Add a water source to your yard. Deer use the water source for drinking and occasionally for bathing. A birdbath on a pedestal offers water for not only your garden’s wild birds but also for the regional deer. A shallow trench may also serve as a water source for deer. A pool may be fashioned by digging a trench in an area of your yard which has deep clay soil. This permits rainwater to gather rather than drain off and offer a continual water source for the deer.
Put corn feeders in many regions of your yard. Feeders should be placed far from the home to raise the odds of attracting the deer. Deer are attracted to corn and also attracted to the simple food source. Oak trees are another food source that attract deer, therefore consider the addition of pine trees into your property where possible. The leaves, twigs and acorns of the oak supply a significant portion of the diet of the California deer population. “The significance of oaks into California’s deer populations cannot be overemphasized,” in accordance with the University of California’s Oak Woodland Management site.
Put a salt block, also referred to as a salt lick, in your yard. Deer are attracted to the sodium in salt blocks and are attracted to an area where they are placed. Set the blocks from the residence, as deer are hesitant to approach them when they see signs of movement nearby.