How to Safeguard Roses From Animals

Rose bushes might have thorns, but that does not stop rabbits and deer from nibbling on the leaves, stems and flowers of your plants. Animals, like moles and gophers, also pose a threat to the general health of roses. These underground pests might kill a healthy bush before it is established, and chew on roots, from thriving keeping a plant.

Put a fence around your roses. Rabbits can’t leap over a fence this high. Bury it prevent animals from burrowing underneath it. Bend the base of the fence at a 90-degree angle as a deterrent to digging. Assess fences staked on the surface of the ground to ensure nothing has tunneled to the flower bed beneath it. Anything with holes bigger than 1 inch will work to keep out rabbits.

Employ a 16-inch barrier of organic deer repellent above your flower bed around the outside of your garden and. Sprinkle it about fencing to deter rabbits from digging underneath to get to your roses. Apply repellent every four to six months from normal rainfall conditions, but reapply after. Select one that’s safe to use around pets and kids, when selecting a repellent.

Line planting holes using a gopher basket when planting or re-planting roses. For optimum results, use a 15-gallon basket, since it supplies a large area for roots to develop. Gopher baskets are made of wire mesh designed to prevent rodents that were underground, such as moles, voles and gophers, from destroying the plant and getting to the root ball of a rose bush.

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